Easy content access with Google Sites

Activity 7

What is Google Sites?

In this activity, we will create a Google Site. The website you are using right now to access this training course is an example of a Google Site!

  • Google Sites allows you to build engaging websites, and fill it with all sorts of content for easy and intuitive access by students, colleagues, and/or the school community.

  • With Google Sites, you customise the look, build a structure of pages & subpages, and then bring together layouts, images, text, google drive folders & files to build each page.

What should I use Google Sites for?

So far, you have been shown how to share individual files or folders through Google Drive, and how to build a dynamic, digital classroom with assignment & marking workflow using Google Classroom.

Building a Google Site is just another way you might choose to deliver class material or publish information and tools relating to a faculty, extra-curricular activity or school initiative. Some of the benefits that Sites has over publishing material on Classroom or sharing content from Drive include:

  • Sites allows you to bring lots of related content together into a single layout.

  • Sites is more visually engaging and customisable.

  • Content can be broken up into pages and subpages, similar to chapters and subchapters, for easy navigation.

  • Sites are distributed like any other website - by sharing the web address. It can also be shared publicly, unlike access to a Google Classroom.

Task 1. Create a Google Site

To begin, we recommend you think of a course or extra curricular activity that you can workshop Google Sites with. Think of something that has a lot of online content - videos, google docs, images, text, even calendars or google forms.

  1. Go to your Google Drive

  2. Click NEW and go to the "more" menu, then choose Google Sites.

  3. A new Site will be created in your Drive, and you're ready to start!